superpraktisch. Snelle verbetering van het hondengedrag
geweldige uitvinding
Onze hond is erg blij met zijn hondendeken. Ze is een Jack Russell en is altijd erg onrustig. Met de deken om ontspant ze zich meer en komt ze ineens tot rust op haar plek.
Weighted dog blankets can be used when your dog is overworked, overstimulated, aggressive or exhausted. This can be the case after a long walk, an overwhelming situation or in the evening before bedtime. They help your dog to withdraw and gather energy.
✅High-quality removable cover
✅Easy to change through loops
✅Weight distribution by glass beads
An aggravation blanket for dogs is a high-quality, hand-sewn therapy product that can support the body for sleep problems, stress and anxiety. It is often used with animals that have a traumatic past or suffer from depression, stress and situational panic attacks (thunderstorms, fireworks).
Weighted blankets are also called therapeutic weighted blankets because the weight is distributed evenly over the body, creating a comfortable feeling. As a result, the animal's entire body relaxes. Stress, tension and anxiety are reduced and the animal can calm down and fall asleep or rest peacefully.
Therapy blankets have a relaxing effect on the animal and promote faster relaxation.
When dogs are exposed to too many stimuli, it can cause stress. They usually react to this nervously, panicking or frightened. The weighted blanket and pleasant pressure provide the animal with a sense of safety and security. The dog can shut down and regain peace of mind.
After long walks or unusual or strenuous events, it is important for animals to be able to recover and retreat. With the dog aggravation blanket, you provide a restful refuge for your pet, ultimately contributing to greater well-being.
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